Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This Just In....

So today I was at the gym and as if I didn't have enough adrenaline from stress, the media really got me going. For those gym junkies that'll understand I'm talking I burned 462 calories in 30 minutes, that's a pretty intense 30 min of cardio. What I'd like to share with you all is some of the ridiculous headlines. I'm not even sure where to start

1. A man is being tried and prosecuted for hacking Sarah Palin's e-mail. Sarah Palin may make an appearance in court. Like seriously, wtf was in Sarah Palin's e-mail? Maybe a recipe from her next door neighbor or some PTA shit, who the f*ck cares about Sarah Palin's e-mail and the only reason she'd go to court is so the media will cover her Playboy face yet again. As I said earlier, I am not sure who said "Take my picture Hollywood" was it Lady Gaga or Sarah Pal Pal?

2. Man is arrested in the UK for driving a Barbie Power Wheels drunk. Man is ARRESTED. OMFG, that's genius...you can just straight up get arrested for anything these days. Props to that individual for thinking outside the box but still "operating" under the influence. Do you think his 3 year old daughter was in the passenger seat?

3. A California man has been sentenced to life in jail with no parole after he pleaded guilty and admitted to kidnapping, raping, and stabbing a 10 year old girl. Does this mean the parents of the little girl are tax exempt for lifetime? Because I'm pretty sure distraught Mother and Father are paying for this sick individual to watch True Life: I'm a sick fuck. Thats justice America. Not to mention I know others who travel afar just to watch cable.

4. Whale found dead with large amounts of trash in its stomach. LIKE wtf is this? That's like saying college girl found dead, large amounts of male fluids found in stomach. Sorry Moby Dick was snacking on trash when there were obviously plenty of fish in the sea. This has got to be one of the weirdest headlines I've ever seen.

5. New Apple iPhone photo leaks. OMG nerds and apple freaks, get home and google all the deets on your new touch screen girlfriend. Did you know that the new phone has 2 cameras? WHY, can someone give me a logical explanation about why our means of verbal communication needs 2 cameras. Photographers rarely walk around with two cameras on their neck, so why would some little apple p.o.s need two cameras? I hope it's something obnoxious like 543 gigs because we all know everyone needs 45 movies, 10,234 songs, and 256 porns on their iPhone. I'm trading my blackberry in, it has one f*cking camera and that's subpar.

This is only a small taste of the absurd headlines I watched on the news this afternoon. For once, I really feel like I can relate to all our grandmothers who say "what is this world coming to?" Honest to god. Everyone's getting arrested, dying of trash ingestion, raped and murdered. I feel like the world is coming to such prosecution and hate that those who eat McChickens everyday are going to get jumped because someone disagrees with their dietary orientation. Speaking of orientation. I mean if we're going to have sexual orientation, I want to have political orientation, scholastic orientation, animal orientation, etc. For example, scholastic orientation: On our facebook you should list if you are intelligent, book smart, bullshitter, retard, etc. WTF is sexual orientation? Labels. Gay. What is this world truly coming to? You cant even pull a good prank these days or you go to jail. People can go to jail for pulling fire alarms and have no cable for 12 hours in holding cells, but Joe Blow is watching Dancing With the Stars and smirking over his twisted murder down the hall. I mean that seems fair, right? Anyway, the news. No good. I think I'm really just going to stick to perezhilton.com because reading about how drunk Lindsay Lohan got last night makes me feel a little less uneasy. Have a good one folks.

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